August 1, 2025

Donations can also be made by mailing a check to
4410 Pebble Beach Drive, Stockton, Ca, 95219

Contact Form

About The Tournament

The Misty Holt-Singh Memorial Golf Tournament was started in 2014. Misty’s Husband Paul and the tournament organizers chose to continue Misty’s legacy by holding an annual tournament.

Though our fundraising efforts we have been able to donate close to $300,000 over the past 9 years to the Victims of Violent Crimes (VOVC) of San Joaquin County, which is an organization dedicated to helping victims of violent crimes and their family members. In addition to helping victims and their families, VOVC has been able to donate to The Child Abuse Prevention Council, Kelly’s Angels, OWL Movement (angel mothers), Haven of Peace and The Every 15 Minute program with the proceeds raised by this generous community. With the funds raised from this tournament, VOVC was able to provide financial assistance to Cameron Allison’s family, the Lincoln High School Student killed by a drunk driver, the Terlouw Family, who’s sister was tragically murdered and fallen officer Jimmy Inn, among countless others.

Additionally, we were able to donate to Cleveland Elementary School to assist with purchasing school supplies for under privileged children. We were fortunate enough to donate to National Brotherhood of Skiers which provides skiing lessons to underprivileged kids.

Our goal is simple, we want to continue to exceed the previous year’s donation amount as all of the proceeds go straight back to our community.

It is the hope of the Singh Family that those who su er as result of violent crime will be given the helping hand that was offered so generously to them by this wonderful community.